Finding Treasures
This show is about finding treasures in our everyday life. Walk with me as I look for beauty in language, history, and cultures. Explore with me as I look into natures, philosophy, and martial arts. This podcast will be in Japanese and English in hopes to help study those who are studying Japanese or English. Follow/Subscribe to Finding Treasure Podcast and share the show with someone are interested in Japanese culture or learning Japanese or English language. Click the link for more cultural lessons and stories: https://linktr.ee/passion.megumi
Finding Treasures
43: Timing for Everything
Season 2
Episode 43
Join me to take a look at classical literature about “timing” along with Hemingway.
The Sun Also Rises・ 日はまた昇る・ hi wa mata noboru
Ecclesiastes・ 伝道者の書・ dendōsha no sho
Tao Te Ching ・老子・ rōshi
I Ching ・易経・eki kyō
I would love to hear what treasures you find. Please let me know.
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