Finding Treasures
This show is about finding treasures in our everyday life. Walk with me as I look for beauty in language, history, and cultures. Explore with me as I look into natures, philosophy, and martial arts. This podcast will be in Japanese and English in hopes to help study those who are studying Japanese or English. Follow/Subscribe to Finding Treasure Podcast and share the show with someone are interested in Japanese culture or learning Japanese or English language. Click the link for more cultural lessons and stories: https://linktr.ee/passion.megumi
52 episodes
51: Beginner’s Mind
Season 3 is here! Starting fresh, this zen word, Beginner’s Mind, inspired me. Thank you for your support!! Looking forward to the new season!!Key Words:Shoshin 初心Beginner’s Mind————-I would love to h...
Season 3
Episode 51

50: In the Season of Manjyushage (Red Spider Lilies)
As we pass the autumn equinox, manjyushage starts to bloom in Japan. In this episode, I talk about the exciting topic of the equinox, the season of o-higan, and blooming red spider lilies. Check out Instagram and Facebook for my painting of red...
Season 2
Episode 50

49: Let’s Learn a Children Song “Mushi no Koe (Voices of Insects)”
In autumn, we hear the sound of insects. Here is a children song with pleasant insect onomatopoeia, first published in 1910.秋になると虫の声が聞こえてきますよね。明治43年初出され、虫のオノマトペが心地よい童謡「虫のこえ」をご紹介します。Song practice: 15:32Whole song singing: 34:36...
Season 2
Episode 49

48:How the Japanese Hear Nature Sound
Japanese is a vowel driven language. A research published in 1978 revels that the Japanese hear the sound of nature in an unusual way because of the characteristics of the Japanese language.日本語は母音が強い言語です。昭和53年に発表された研究によると日本人は自然界の音を少し変わった...
Season 2
Episode 48

47: Marine Day: Umi no hi
Japan is the only country which has a national holiday to honor the blessings of the oceans. In this episode, I talk about the history of the Marine Day in Japan (7/20). Key Words:Umi 海OceanUmi no hi 海の日
Season 2
Episode 47

46: Summer Solstice: The Shortest Night
Celebrate Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere. This means the shortest night of the year. I talk about a festival to celebrate the summer solstice and related words.1. What is Summer Solstice2. Fes...
Season 2
Episode 46

45: Saigyō: a poet monk
One of the influential travel poets and priests is Saigyō, who lived when the world was changing drastically in his lifetime in the early 12th century in Japan. I look at the most well-known poem by him, who loved cherry blossoms and the ...
Season 2
Episode 45

44: The Vernal Equinox
Celebrate Vernal Equinox (Northern /Southern Hemisphere), happening 3/20 (in U.S.) & 3/21 (in Japan). I talk about:1. What is Equinox?2. Higan3. FoodKey Words:Vernal Equinox・shunbun no hi・ 春分の日Higan ・tha...
Season 2
Episode 44

43: Timing for Everything
Join me to take a look at classical literature about “timing” along with Hemingway.タイミングについて、ヘミングウェイや古典から検証してみます。The Sun Also Rises・ 日はまた昇る・ hi wa mata noboruEcclesiastes・ 伝道者の書・ dendōsha no shoTao Te Ching ・...
Season 2
Episode 43

42: Every Day is a New Day!
During the season of Chinese New Year, I share a story from the Great Learning, one of the Four Books in Chinese Literature. Every day is a new opportunity to renew ourselves.Key Words:大学・Daigaku・the Great LearningTang...
Season 2
Episode 42

41: Happy New Year Waka Style Poem
Happy New Year!! On the first day of the New Year, I share this Waka-style poem written by Ōtomo no Yakamochi in 759 from Manyōshu (Ten Thousand Leaves — collection of waka poems).Key words:万葉集:Manyōshu大伴家持:Ōtomo no Yakamoc...
Season 2
Episode 41

40: Ichigo Ichie — Once in a Lifetime
To begin the season 2 of this podcast and to reflect on the New Year, I talk about a Japanese idiom, Ichigo Ichie - Once in a lifetime. シーズン2と新年を迎えるにあたり、今回は一期一会についてお話ししています。一期一会:Ichigo IchieCheck out Sam Harris’ 5 ...
Season 2
Episode 40

39: Meaning of Arigatō
In celebration of one year anniversary of this podcast, join me as I share the meaning and origin of the word Arigatō.おかげさまでこのポッドキャストは一周年を迎えることができました。その記念に「ありがとう」の意味、語源についてお話ししています。・Meaning of Arigatō ・有難う arigatō
Season 1
Episode 39

38: Winter Solstice
On this Christmas Day, I look at two expressions used around the winter solstice. May your winter be filled with hope and positive energy.・一陽来復 ichiyō raifuku・日脚伸ぶ hiashi nobuクリスマスの日に、冬至に関する二つの表現についてお話しています。みなさんの冬...
Season 1
Episode 38

37: Suzuka Circuit
The largest, most prestigious racing track in Japan is Suzuka Circuit! Join me as I talk about the brief history and the Honda’s Suzuka plant company events.日本の名門レーストラックといえば鈴鹿サーキット。今回はその歴史と本田鈴鹿製作所の社内イベントについてお話しています。=============...
Season 1
Episode 37

36. The Founder of Honda
EP36: The Founder of HondaThe founder of Honda, Honda Sōichirō, is one of the key Japanese persons in the modern era. In this episode, I share a brief history of his life, the company, and explore his philosophy of work. Thank you ...
Season 1
Episode 36

35. Autumn Equinox- This World & That World
9/23 in Japan is a national holiday celebrating the Autumn Equinox (9/22 in the U.S.). And the three days before and three days after totaling the 7 days is called Ohigan, where we celebrate our ancestors. In this episode, I talk about the trad...
Season 1
Episode 35

34. Chrysanthemum Festival
9/9 is the Chrysanthemum Festival. I talk about the origin and tradition of this festival. 9月9日は重陽の節句です。今回は重陽の節句の歴史や伝統についてお話ししています。ーーーーーーーーーーーI would love to hear what treasures you find. Please let me know. ...
Season 1
Episode 34

33. A Rabbit on the Moon
What do you see on the moon? We see a rabbit on the moon! In this episode, I talk about the origins of the story of the rabbit pounding mochi on the moon as I sing a long-loved Japanese nursery rhyme called “Usagi.”お月様の中に何が見え...
Season 1
Episode 33

32. Moon Viewing Festival - Otsukimi
Amazing beautiful moon is coming up on September 9th/10th for the Moon Viewing Festival called Otsukimi. I talk about the meaning of the name and the two decorations for this festival in this episode. Look up and enjoy the moon!...
Season 1
Episode 32

31. Book Review: The Briefcase
In this episode, I talk about the novel I’ve read recently called “The Briefcase” - “Sensei no Kaban.” by Kawakami Hiromi. Do you have a teacher you want to get in touch with?今回は最近読んだ小説、川上弘美さんによる「センセイの鞄」(英語名 The Br...
Season 1
Episode 31

30. Haiku Day
8/19 is Haiku Day! Haiku is a shortest form of poem. Let’s learn what makes haiku!————————————I would love to hear what treasures you find. Please let me know. If you have questions or topics you’d like me...
Season 1
Episode 30

「わ-wa-」Day 8/8 ♾「わ-wa-」is a handmade lamp released on 8/8/2020 produced by Hattori Takahisa (IG: _wa_takahisa.hattori)Hattori chose this date for the release because of the six zeros the date has, wishing the concept of 「わ-wa-」con...
Season 1
Episode 29